How to Automatically Copy Google Forms Responses to any other Spreadsheet

To automatically copy Google Forms responses to another spreadsheet, you can use Google Apps Script, which allows you to automate tasks within Google Workspace (formerly G Suite). Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Create your Google Form:

  • Go to Google Forms and create the form you want respondents to fill out.

2. Set up the destination spreadsheet:

  • Create a new Google Spreadsheet where you want to copy the responses.

3. Open the Script Editor:

  • In the destination spreadsheet, go to "Extensions" > "Apps Script".

4. Write the Script:

  • In the Apps Script editor, write a script to copy form responses. Below is a sample script you can use:

function onFormSubmit(e) {

  var responses = e.namedValues;

  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById('YOUR_DESTINATION_SPREADSHEET_ID').getActiveSheet();



  • Replace 'YOUR_DESTINATION_SPREADSHEET_ID' with the ID of your destination spreadsheet. You can find this ID in the URL of your spreadsheet.

1. Set up the trigger:

  • In the Apps Script editor, click on the clock icon (triggers).
  • Click on "+ Add Trigger" on the bottom right.
  • Choose onFormSubmit as the function to run.
  • Choose From form as the event source.
  • Click Save.

2. Authorize the Script:

  • When you first run the script, Google will ask for authorization. Review the permissions and authorize the script.

3. Test:

  • Submit a response through your Google Form and check if it's copied to the destination spreadsheet.

4. Deployment:

  • After testing, you may need to deploy the script as a web app for it to run automatically. You can do this by going to "Publish" > "Deploy as web app" and following the prompts.

That's it! Now, whenever someone submits a response to your Google Form, it will automatically be copied to the specified spreadsheet. Make sure your Google Form is set to collect responses in a Google Spreadsheet.

How to Send Email Reminders for Google Forms Automatically

Sending email reminders automatically for Google Forms can be achieved using Google Apps Script, which allows you to extend the functionality of Google Workspace apps like Google Forms. Here's a step-by-step guide to setting up email reminders for Google Forms:

1. Open Your Google Form:

  • Open the Google Form for which you want to send email reminders.

2. Go to Google Apps Script Editor:

  • Click on the three vertical dots in the upper-right corner of Google Forms.
  • Select "Script editor" from the dropdown menu. This will open the Google Apps Script editor in a new tab.

3. Write the Script:

  • In the Google Apps Script editor, write the script to send email reminders. Below is a basic example script:

function sendReminderEmail() {

  // Get the form by its ID

  var form = FormApp.openById('YOUR_FORM_ID');


  // Get the responses

  var responses = form.getResponses();


  // Set the email subject and body

  var subject = "Reminder: Please complete the form";

  var body = "This is a friendly reminder to complete the form.";


  // Iterate through the responses and send reminder emails

  for (var i = 0; i < responses.length; i++) {

    var respondentEmail = responses[i].getRespondentEmail();


    // Send email

    GmailApp.sendEmail(respondentEmail, subject, body);



4. Save the Script:

  • Give your project a name and click the floppy disk icon to save your script.

5. Set Triggers:

  • Click on the clock icon to set up triggers.
  • Click on the "+ Add Trigger" button.
  • Configure the trigger to run the sendReminderEmail function at the desired frequency (e.g., daily, hourly, etc.).

6. Authorize the Script:

  • When you run the script or set up triggers, you may need to authorize the script to send emails on your behalf.

7. Test:

  • Test the script to ensure it's sending reminder emails correctly.

Important Notes:

  • Replace 'YOUR_FORM_ID' with the ID of your Google Form.
  • Customize the email subject and body to fit your needs.
  • You can enhance the script further by adding conditions to send reminders only to respondents who haven't completed the form yet.
  • Make sure to comply with spam regulations and best practices when sending automated emails.

By following these steps, you'll be able to automatically send email reminders for your Google Forms.

How to Schedule Form Availability and Limit Submissions in Google Forms

Google Forms doesn't have built-in features to directly schedule form availability or limit submissions. However, you can achieve this using add-ons or by manually enabling/disabling the form based on your schedule. Here's how you can do it:

Option 1: Use Add-ons

There are several third-party add-ons available for Google Forms that provide scheduling and submission limits functionality. One popular add-on is "Form Scheduler". Here's how to use it:

1. Install Form Scheduler Add-on:

  • Open your Google Form.
  • Click on the three dots menu (more options) in the upper-right corner.
  • Choose "Add-ons" and then "Get add-ons".
  • Search for "Form Scheduler" and install it.

2. Set Schedule and Submission Limits:

  • After installing the add-on, you'll find it under the Add-ons menu.
  • Click on "Form Scheduler" and select "Configure".
  • Set the start and end date/time for the form's availability.
  • You can also set submission limits if needed.

Option 2: Manual Method

If you prefer not to use add-ons, you can manually enable/disable your form based on your schedule:

1. Create Your Form:

  • Open Google Forms and create your form as usual.

2. Set Availability:

  • After creating your form, you can manually control its availability.
  • Click on the gear icon (settings) in the upper-right corner of your form.
  • Toggle the switch for "Accepting responses" to enable/disable the form based on your schedule.

3. Limit Submissions:

  • Unfortunately, Google Forms doesn't offer a built-in feature to limit submissions directly. You'd have to manually monitor the responses and disable the form once you've received the desired number of submissions.

Option 3: Google Apps Script (Advanced)

If you're comfortable with coding, you can use Google Apps Script to automate the process of enabling/disabling the form and limiting submissions based on your requirements. This method offers more flexibility but requires some programming knowledge.


  • Communication: If you're setting specific times for form availability, make sure to communicate this clearly to your respondents.
  • Monitoring: If you're manually controlling availability or submissions, regularly check the form's status to ensure it aligns with your schedule and limits.
  • Add-on Security: When using third-party add-ons, ensure they're from reputable sources and review the permissions they require before installing them.

Choose the method that best fits your needs and technical proficiency.

How to Create Multiple Sub-folders in Google Drive Automatically

To create multiple sub-folders in Google Drive automatically, you can use Google Apps Script. Google Apps Script allows you to automate tasks within various Google products, including Google Drive. Here's a step-by-step guide to creating multiple sub-folders in Google Drive using Google Apps Script:

1. Open Google Drive:

Make sure you're logged into your Google account and open Google Drive.

2. Create a New Google Apps Script:

Click on "New" > "More" > "Google Apps Script" to open the Google Apps Script editor.

3. Write the Script:

Replace the existing code in the script editor with the following code:

function createSubFolders() {

  var parentFolder = DriveApp.createFolder('Parent Folder'); // Change 'Parent Folder' to the name of your parent folder

  var subFolderNames = ['Subfolder 1', 'Subfolder 2', 'Subfolder 3']; // Add the names of your sub-folders here

  for (var i = 0; i < subFolderNames.length; i++) {




  • Replace 'Parent Folder' with the name you want to give to your parent folder.
  • Update subFolderNames array with the names of the sub-folders you want to create.

4. Save the Script:

Click on "File" > "Save" to save your script. Give it a name if prompted.

5. Run the Script:

Click on the play button ▶️ to run the script.

If it's your first time running the script, you might need to authorize it to access your Google Drive. Follow the prompts to do so.

6. Check Google Drive:

After the script has finished running, check your Google Drive. You should see a new parent folder with the specified sub-folders inside it.

7. Trigger Automatic Execution (Optional):

If you want this script to run automatically at specific times or events, you can set up triggers. Go to "Edit" > "Current project's triggers" and set up a trigger based on your preferences.

That's it! You've successfully created multiple sub-folders in Google Drive automatically using Google Apps Script.